I just sent off the comps chapter that refused to be finished to my committee. It’s been 9 weeks since I sent them the last chapter. It is less than 6 pages of prose and 5 pages of tables and figures. A lot of the writing is in the tables.
I want to mention the work that isn’t evident in the final product.
I spent a lot of time trying to decide if I was going to focus on one theory in this chapter or incorporate others. I read about them and considered. They’re going to end up in the next chapter instead. So that added some time.
I did a lot of trying to wrap my head around how different evolved versions of the theoretical concept at hand related to the original, and how I could synthesize them.
But also, I lost the equivalent of three weeks to travel and lack of childcare. So actually it did really only take me six weeks to write, which lines up with the earlier chapters… But I sure hope the next one goes faster.