Imbolc Tarot Spread by Lindsay Mack
Cards are The Moonchild Tarot.
- What seeds did I plant at the winter solstice? 7 of Pentacles
- What am I preparing to harvest at the spring equinox? 4 of Cups
- What am I being invited to pay attention to today, at the halfway point between the two? XXI The Universe (normally known as the world)
Okay before we dig too deep, let’s look at #3.
I’m defending my dissertation proposal on Monday. Pretty perfect to have The Universe here, as it’s a great time to celebrate the completion of an important cycle. (I’m probably only going to take one day off, though; there are IRB and fellowship applications to submit.)
As for the other two, around the Solstice I totally decided to really be myself and take care of “boring responsible grown-up shit” as Bakara Winter puts it.
But with #2 I was like WAIT WHAT? And pulled more cards for clarification and got the 3 of Swords? WHAT IS GOING ON? I’m going to harvest fear at the equinox? So I pulled more cards. The Devil! ARE YOU KIDDING ME? (But also yeah, fear IS bondage of my own making, fair enough, The Devil) so I’m all, fine, I guess by the equinox I’m going to be ready to let go of fear and accept support and abundance and love, cool, but… Let’s just get some more details, yeah? THE FREAKING HANGED MAN. Major arcana energy today! Okay, release fear, accept love, embrace the nature of a time of transition (absolutely what the time between dissertation proposal defense and dissertation itself defense is…), but for what? What are we getting at here, Tarot?
The Ace of Pentacles. Yeah, that tracks.
A small first step toward abundance.
I’m with you, Tarot.