A core question that must eventually be answered about every space, physical or digital, is “Who is this for?” and if your answer is “Everyone!” you are necessarily being disingenuous because every design decision communicates who belongs in the space.
EDITED TO ADD: I would be remiss if I didn’t acknowledge that my thinking on this has been significantly shaped by working with Dr. Maggie Melo at the Equity in the Making lab.
@kimberlyhirsh Absolutely. We're (finally) having that reckoning in public libraries, so I spend a lot of time thinking, planning, and working on this with our library community. And then of course my questions from earlier today about this particular space.
@cygnoir I figured you might be approaching it from that perspective. Might I recommend Project READY? It's a PD curriculum for school and youth services librarians with this specifically in mind, with respect to addressing race in the US.
@kimberlyhirsh This is awesome. 🤯 Thank you so much for the recommendation!
@cygnoir I'm part of the team that created it so I plug it whenever I think it might be helpful!
@gr36 Yes.