πŸ”–πŸ“ Read An Oasis in the Desert: Why Libraries Are the Best Places to Write.

I love to write in a library carrel. More than once I’ve considered getting one for our home office. I wonder if my favorite local library branch has them. I haven’t noticed. Next time I’m there, I’ll check.

πŸ”–πŸ§Ά Read This Is Your Brain on Fibre by Michelle Woodvine (Digits & Threads).

A great article that explores a lot of the reasons fiber crafting is good for our mental health.

πŸ”– Read You are having a midlife crisis. It’s fine.

This is an interesting pairing with The Cut’s The Case for Marrying an Older Man.

The former points out that a woman partying at midlife is not, in fact, a revolution. Which pairs fascinatingly with the latter’s framing of being a young artist supported by a partner as a brilliant life hack. I’m curious what the author of the latter’s midlife crisis will look like.

πŸ”– Read Why I Celebrate The Spring Equinox As The Real β€œNew Year”.

I really love this. I want to live more in line with the seasons. Spring is a great time to make the changes so many people want to make in the new year: eat more produce, move around more.