Percolating Projects, April 2018
Here’s a complete list of everything I’ve got going on right now. And by “going on,” I mean a level of intensity ranging from “thinking about maybe doing it” to “seriously working on it.” (Categories come from the Integrative Nutrition Circle of Life exercise.)
- Daily tarot card pull as a means of connecting with my intuition
- Things of Bronze podcast
- Compiling a YouTube playlist of comedy sketches that epitomize my comedic sensibility
- Developing a concept for a geeky variety show
- A memoir about adolescence/early adulthood in the early days of the World Wide Web
- Something for the 10th anniversary of Doctor Horrible
- Daily blogging
- Indiewebifying
- Reducing grocery spending via using my Soda Stream, freezing leftovers, and eating out of the pantry/fridge/freezer
- Writing culturally sustaining pedagogy online curriculum module for Project READY.
- Steeping myself in the world of YA librarianship
- Working on the Makerspaces section of my comprehensive literature review
Health, Home Cooking
- Eagerly awaiting Healing PCOS
Physical Activity
- Resuming walks with my family
- Swimming with the Total Immersion Effortless Endurance self-coaching course
Home Environment
- Putting together a list of tasks for the handyman
- Cleaning out the upstairs linen closet as part of packing and purging in anticipation of putting our house on the market
- Treating Will to a birthday surprise
- All the parenting: deciding how and when to potty train, buying springtime clothes, selecting toddler tableware
Social Life
- Figuring out when to schedule game nights
- Planning Google Hangouts
- Continuing to have a super cute kid with an excellent giggle