Now: July 2018
Here’s a complete list of everything I’ve got going on right now. And by “going on,” I mean a level of intensity ranging from “thinking about maybe doing it” to “seriously working on it.” (Categories come from the Integrative Nutrition Circle of Life exercise.)
- Lindsay Mack's Tarot for the Wild Soul July Tarot challenge
- Things of Bronze podcast
- Blogging
- Indiewebifying
- Reducing grocery spending via using my Soda Stream, freezing leftovers, and eating out of the pantry/fridge/freezer
- Writing culture online curriculum module for Project READY.
- Reading the archives of YALSA’s The Hub ya lit blog and trying the books mentioned there
- Working on the Makerspaces section of my comprehensive literature review
- Developing workflows that will allow me to chip away at the other sections while im still writing this one.
- Visiting my doctor for my quarterly follow-up
- Focusing on hydration
Home Cooking
- Cooking meals from the PCOS Diva Summer Meal Plan
Physical Activity
- Swimming with the Total Immersion Effortless Endurance self-coaching course
Home Environment
- Putting together a list of tasks for the handyman
- Reading Unf*ck Your Habitat
- Celebrating my 9th wedding anniversary
Social Life
- Planning birthday celebrations
- Watching GLOW
- Playing video games
- Delighting in my kid's ever-improving communication skills