When to call me Dr.
In her week notes, cygnoir links to my post, Political action guidance for the overwhelmed, and credits me as Dr. Kimberly Hirsh.
I appreciate the recognition of my title. I want to say though that I wouldn’t be grouchy to have been credited as Kimberly Hirsh.
I work at a Quaker school. All of us go by our first names, in keeping with the Quaker practice of plain speech and the testimony of equality. This does not make me grouchy.
When I get grouchy is when people insist on using a title and then call me Miss, Mrs., or Ms. Because I have a title and those aren’t it. If I haven’t told you my title is Dr., then I don’t mind you not using it. But if I have and you ignore it, that makes me grouchy.
So. If you want to avoid making me grouchy, here are ways I would like you to refer to me:
- Kimberly
- Kimberly Hirsh
- Dr. Kimberly Hirsh
- Dr. Hirsh
Any of those are fine. Feel like calling a person Dr. is elitist? Okay! Use my first name or full name.
(There is a whole deal I’m not even getting into here about untitling, mistitling, gender, race, and ethnicity. Explore it if you’re interested.)