πŸ”– Read The Comfort of Drawing Batman by Austin Kleon.

Austin Kleon’s newsletter is the one that I let come to my inbox even after I’ve switched all the rest to RSS. You should read the preview of this and if you like it, do the 7-day trial so you can read the whole thing.

πŸ”–πŸ”πŸ₯€ Read The Enduring Mystery of Cook Out.

A Cook Out Junior Tray with a cheeseburger (mayo only), double fries, and Coke was the first meal I had after giving birth, and it was the best meal I’ve ever eaten. (I can’t remember if I also got a shake.)

πŸ”–πŸ“š Read Sherlock Holmes self-insert fanfic written by a 7th grader in 1903.

I love this so much.

πŸ”– Read Frida Kahlo’s life of chronic pain by Carol A. Courtney (OUPblog).

Looking for examples of chronically ill and disabled creatives to be models for myself. Frida Kahlo is such a great one.