πŸ”–πŸ–₯️ Elizabeth and Gav promised in this week’s The Rec Center that 1992: Silverwolf would be the most engrossing post I’d read all week and it did not disappoint.

CS101: Week One

I’m auditing Stanford’s CS101 on EdX because while I love Harvard’s CS50x I think I need some back to basics stuff. (All of this recommended by the great FreeCodeCamp article, How to Hack Together Your Own CS Degree Online for Free.)

I’ll be jotting down some notes and reminders to myself here, adding future posts for this course as replies to this one.

If you’re a developer you’re going to be like “Wow, I know that already.” Yeah. It’s a 101 class, y’all.

Data Types

  • numbers
  • strings - text between quotation marks, e.g., “Dr. Kimberly Hirsh”

Some Javascript stuff

  • // comes before a comment; a comment is not run

Spoiler font on my website

I’m playing with CSS to get spoiler-text hidden unless selected on my website. Let’s see if it works! I’m putting double pipes around it so people browsing in dark mode know where to highlight.

|| This is a spoiler. ||

Could I create a more elaborate solution to this problem? YES! But I’m not really interested in doing so.

O hai.

the early blogosphere was full of people who obsessed over β€œcorrectly” labeling and organizing content.

Anil Dash, The Lost Infrastructure of Social Media